Become a Precinct Committee Person

Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs) are the neighborhood-level “ambassadors” of the HR County Democrats. They engage Dem friends and neighbors to help with volunteer projects, to learn about candidates, and to join us for social and political events. PCPs also act as our “governing board,” along with the HRC Dems officers, attending short business meetings and voting on policies and new officers.

To be a PCP, you must be a registered Democrat, age 18 or older, and have your primary residence in Hood River County. PCPs are elected to a two-year term in the May primary election of even-numbered years. In between elections, you can be appointed a PCP by vote at our monthly meeting. The two-year term can be repeated with re-election every two years for as long as the PCP is eligible and wishes to serve.


Become an appointed PCP at our next monthly meeting!

The county party can appoint new PCPs by a vote of existing PCPs at any meeting.

 If you’d like to formally join us as a voting PCP, please request a PCP Appointment Form, complete it, and bring it with you to our next monthly meeting. You’ll be asked to introduce yourself, then we’ll vote to appoint you. Easy!

For any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator.