Calendar & News


January 2025

Martin Luther King Day Celebration
Mon., Jan. 20, 3-7pm
River Community Church
(317 State Street, in HR)

This is a non-denominational community celebration and all are welcome. Workshops will be held in the afternoon starting at 3pm, and a program at 5pm.

It will be a welcome time of admiration and appreciation and community celebration on this day that is shared with the presidential inauguration.

February 2025

HRC Dems Monthly Meeting
Thurs., Feb. 13, 6:30-7:30 pm
Hood River Library (502 State St.)     

Meet in the downstairs meeting room. Arrive early for social time (6-6:30pm).
Bring your favorite snack to share.
Hybrid access:  Sign up here to get the zoom link.


If you’re a registered Democrat in HR County, we’d love for you to join our Facebook group ( and/or subscribe to our newsletter ( to get full details on events, chat about all things political, ask questions, etc.


Spanish translation of Voters Pamphlet

The Secretary of State has started this year to provide translation of the Voter Pamphlet into Spanish and other languages used by Oregon voters. This is a significant advancement. For this first election (November 2024), they have provided complete Spanish translation for the 5 state ballot measures. Translation for candidates and for local ballot measures this election has largely not been provided, but hopefully will be in the future.

Problems with your homeowners’ insurance?

Many in our county, especially in the rural areas, have experienced major changes in their home insurance policies due to wildfire risk – doubling or tripling of rates, or in some cases cancellation of coverage. Albert Nance brought this up as an area of concern in his race last spring for county commissioner. Rep. Maxine Dexter, our CD3 democratic candidate, said at a meeting with HRCD leaders recently that she’s planning to address this problem when she is elected to Congress in November. If you or an acquaintance in the county have run into such a problem with your home insurance provider, Maxine would like to hear from you. Contact her at

Take some photos for us!

When you’re at a Dem event  — a meeting, a presentation, a town hall, a social event — take some pictures to share. We’d love to have more Dem pics to share on our website, social media, and in the newsletter! Email them to us, or if too numerous/too large a file for emailing, put them online and send us the link.